You can sign up for our Free social network where you will have many of the same features as FaceBook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest. Post daily updates, images, videos and invite your friends and contacts to share interesting topics. What makes us different is your not bombarded with ads and things you are not interested in. Create your own Group where it is open to just you and your friends. It's FREE to join and you can get started here.
The main reason you don't see ads posted all over Webigo is because we don't sell ads. We have two member programs. One for individuals and one for businesses. As a paid Personal member you will have access to many of the other features Webigo offers like the I Spot Rewards Program, I Spot Deals local deals, Paws-N-More pets, Diggers Collectables, Dare For Success and many other products and services just for our paid members. The cost of our paid personal member program is our Silver Plan and the cost is only $5.00 per month. Pay for your membership with the annual plan ($60.00) and receive a free Gold Membership Upgrade. Check out all the great benefits of the Gold Membership. The savings alone from our I Spot Rewards program will more than pay for the membership. Visit the following link and see just how much you can save. The I Spot Rewards savings calculator.
Get started saving and sharing today visit us at and select the sign up link then choose the Silver Plan, We will send you instructions on how to sign up for the I Spot Rewards member program.
The function of Rewards is threefold: to get our members cash back for their online purchases, to help our members save money in everyday life, and to provide our members with life-managing tools.
Once registered for Rewards, you can enjoy exclusive discounts on brand-name products and services, access invaluable life organization applications, and even get cash back from shopping online. Rewards' shopping portal has hundreds of popular, first-rate online stores, like Beals, Target, Barnes and Noble, and Sears. With Cashback Shopping, you receive compensation for purchases made from these stores.
Negotiating with several nationwide companies, Rewards offers you exclusive discounted rates on excellent products. And those aren't the only savings accessible through Rewards! From the convenience of your home, print dozens, or even hundreds, of brand-name coupons to use at your local grocery store. No Sunday paper required.
Utilize Rewards' Life Management tools to organize your online presence into one, easy-to-access location. Keep track of life goals, regulate your budget at a glance with Rewards' Life Management tools. Sign-Up or Login to take full advantage of all the great Rewards features.
By participating in the paid member program you will be helping other members who may need help with financial or other needs that they can't get anywhere else. Plese visit our Give Back Page and see how we are helping our members.
Join us and help us make a difference, join the discussion on our forum and meet other people in the community who share the same interests with you.