Social Commerce

The Rewards Economy is revolutionizing Social Commerce in
local communities Nation wide. The Game Changer


The beginings of the Social Commerce concept begun just after the turn of the 21st century. That's when Internet gurus began envisioning a totally new marketing world based around social media and the changing online habits of millions upon millions of users. And while social media has become a big part of our lives, it has never really lived up to the expectations that marketers thought that it would from a purely business perspective. The reason is simple:

Too much focus on "Social" and not enough focus on "Commerce."

Because what these "so-called experts" forgot is that that businesses, who fund the social media concept with their advertising dollars, won't play if that advertising isn't bringing them customers and marketing them money.

That's where the Rewards Economy comes in. And why the Social Commerce revolution has truly now begun.

Watch the video ^^

Revolutionizing Social Commerce

Rewards is revolutionizing Social Commerce with our platform and program through the creation of the Rewards Economy. This revolutionary approach to Social Commerce brings substantial benefit to consumers, non-profits, and businesses and brings the idea of Social Commerce into a true and concrete program of success. Rewards was created to make the promise of Social Commerce real. The program engages the three key groups in a community … non-profits, consumers, and businesses… and provides a compelling benefit set to each of these groups to encourage their participation.

With Rewards, businesses are able to reach into new markets – and attract new groups of consumers in their community – at little to no cost. For businesses, this is a substantial benefit because advertising to attract new customers is very expensive and often, not as effective as one would hope. Plus, Rewards can also help drive greater loyalty from the existing customers of a business.

Consumers receive substantial discounts and savings – as well as other money-saving benefits – by becoming users of the Rewards platform. In addition, these consumers know that their purchases with participating businesses support a non-profit, school, or charity that matters to them. On top of the money saving aspects of the program, this makes consumers even more motivated to shop with participating businesses.

Non-profits, schools and charities are able to raise money in new and unique ways with the Rewards program – simply by helping their constituents save money on products and services they use every day. In addition, by encouraging patronage of participating local and national businesses, the school, non-profit, or charity has an even greater opportunity to raise funds..

Rewards is a fresh, dynamic, and remarkable model that takes Social Commerce to an entirely new level through the creation of a true “everyone wins” scenario for the consumers, businesses, and non-profits that participate in the program.

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